Feb 9, 2020
Hi! I’m your host Cha—a lawyer and writer devoted to telling our stories.
American Origin Stories, is a podcast about our journey to discover lost ancestry, identity, and connection.
Why is it difficult for Black Americans, who have been in the United States for generations, to trace their ancestry?
The short answer: slavery.
The peculiar institution turned people into property for the profit of individuals and the nation. What followed were generations of race-based oppression causing a lack of data about Black Americans. As a result, people with African ancestry must find creative means to trace their lineage to and through slavery.
But, with modern technology, crowd-sourcing, and a better historical understanding, there are ways for Black Americans to substantially build their family trees. Join us, on American Origin Stories, as we explore the process of tracing Black American ancestry and archiving neglected or untold history.
Follow us each Wednesday at 8:00 AM EST, as we discuss our American Origin Stories.
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